debating society|debate society in English

club which meets for the purpose of debating various opposing issues

Use "debating society|debate society" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "debating society|debate society" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "debating society|debate society", or refer to the context using the word "debating society|debate society" in the English Dictionary.

1. Auds - Adelaide University Debating Society

2. Debating Secularism In A Communalized Society

3. The Debating Society meets on Fridays.

4. Cogers HALL, a London tavern debating society

5. A healthy society promotes vigorous debate.

6. And this caused a flaming row at the school debating society.

7. The Cogers have a close relationship with a more recently-formed debating society, the Central London Debating Club

8. The college debating society was a natural springboard for her career in politics.

9. 19 He took an avid interest in the school play, the debating society, the Grotonian literary magazine.

10. They are once again mirroring a similar debate within the broader society.

11. Rutherford accepted a Baptist debate challenge in behalf of the Watch Tower Society against J.

12. Join society.

13. Acephalous society is also known as egalitarian or non-stratified society.

14. American Society of Agronomy Crop Science Society of America Soil Science Society of America Certified Crop Advisers Agronomic Science Foundation

15. Again catalogues Begrudgers rejecting society (2-6) Society girl knight rejected? Rubbish! (6) Society girl rejected having sex in sleeping bag? (7) World of society in care of doctors (6) Busy English cardinal hosts very large society (9)

16. Christendom Restoration Society, Inc

17. American Cetacean Society Membership

18. Asteroidean Pioneering Society APS

19. A Classless Society—How?

20. That's an etiolated society.

21. Bonefishes ~ MarineBio Conservation Society

22. The American Arachnological Society

23. Aborigines' Rights Protection Society

24. The Alzheimer Society 2008:

25. Society phobia similar illness.